If you're unhappy with the amount of hair on your head, you have several different options for treatment. You could purchase herbal pills, have hair transplant surgery, or hope that rubbing a certain lotion on your head will make a difference. One other option, however, stands lightyears above the rest, and that's PRP hair therapy. Here are a few reasons why PRP is often the best choice for patients with hair loss.
PRP is proven effective.
There are a lot of "natural" and herbal hair growth remedies out there, but most of them do not have science to support their effectiveness. You could waste countless dollars on them, only to find that they don't work. PRP has been studied and found to be effective. In one study, after only four PRP treatments, participants had 30 percent more hair growth in areas where their hair was previously thin.
PRP uses your body's own fluids.
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Basically, when you receive this treatment, your doctor removes some of your blood, spins it down to remove the red and white blood cells, and then injects the platelets and plasma into your scalp. Since it's your own fluids being injected, you do not have to worry about an allergic or negative reaction as you might with some other hair loss medications and creams.
PRP causes few side effects and little downtime.
Some patients opt for hair transplant surgery because it has a high success rate. But with that success rate comes some pain and time off! Your scalp will be sore for days, maybe weeks after hair transplant surgery, and you'll be unable to wear a hat for a while. PRP causes some minor tenderness and redness, at worst. You can go right back to work and your normal routine when the treatment is over. You'll just need to put off dying your hair for a few days, though you can definitely wash and style it.
PRP has a long track record.
Before doctors were using PRP to treat hair loss, they were using it to heal injured joints. As such, it has a long history of safety, and doctors are widely experienced in its use. This is not some experimental treatment that may have surprising consequences down the road.
To learn more about PRP treatments and how they might benefit you, reach out to a cosmetic surgeon that offers PRP hair therapy services in your area.